Times have changed as we all know. Let’s talk about history and how useless could be any attempt of fusion between Haiti and Dominican Republic, and how important is to face some facts and stop suggestions of this nature. Haiti did dominate DR for about 22 years in the early 1800’s; 22 years were not enough to merge even though there was no frontier. The problem is not like in West and East Germany “structural, political or sovereignty”. The cultural barrier that covers the Hispaniola territory is bigger than the Great Wall of China. So the pressure starts rising from the international community and it is pointing the index finger at Dominican Republic which can not even sustain its own economy, to merge! I am guessing that the developed countries from around the world just want to see 2 economically dead countries becoming 1. That is very smart indeed; in this case, the little help that is being sent to both countries from different sources should go to just one and the contributions ...
Cuentos y reflexiones de diferentes dimensiones. Tu palabra tal como la madera, sea útil para todo y en todo: Hasta en la hoguera.