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The future of Haiti

Times have changed as we all know. Let’s talk about history and how useless could be any attempt of fusion between Haiti and Dominican Republic, and how important is to face some facts and stop suggestions of this nature. Haiti did dominate DR for about 22 years in the early 1800’s; 22 years were not enough to merge even though there was no frontier. The problem is not like in West and East Germany “structural, political or sovereignty”. The cultural barrier that covers the Hispaniola territory is bigger than the Great Wall of China.

So the pressure starts rising from the international community and it is pointing the index finger at Dominican Republic which can not even sustain its own economy, to merge!

I am guessing that the developed countries from around the world just want to see 2 economically dead countries becoming 1. That is very smart indeed; in this case, the little help that is being sent to both countries from different sources should go to just one and the contributions are converted to just 1 country instead of 2.

I have a couple of ideas that might be very useful to all experts that think like Daniel Rodriguez (co-founder of the Alliance for Economic Stability and an adjunct professor of International Business at Mercy College in New York) in his publication called: Haiti Should Merge With the Dominican Republic ( )

The United States of America is a nation that is more than an expert when it comes to take over other countries; they have done it plenty of times(from

1. Argentina 1890
2. Chile 1891,1973
3. Haiti 1891, 1914-34, 1994-95, 2004
4. Nicaragua 1894, 1896, 1907, 1910, 1898 -1899, 1912-33, 1981-90  
5. Panama 1895, 1908, 1912, 1918-20, 1921, 1925, 1958, 1964, 1989
6. Cuba 1898, 1906-09, 1912, 1917-33, 1961, 1962
7. Puerto Rico 1898, 1950
8. Honduras 1903, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1924-25, 1982-90  
9. Dominican Republic 1903-04, 1914, 1916-24, 1965-66
10. Mexico 1913, 1914-18 
11. Guatemala 1920, 1954, 1966-67
12. Costa Rica 1921
13. El Salvador 1932, 1981-92 
14. Uruguay 1947
15. Bolivia 1987   
16. Granada 1983-84 
17. Venezuela 2002

These and many more in the Middle East and the rest of the world. Experts should stop acting like they ignore the reality and start using a little bit more of common sense. USA is a very strong country when it comes to Economy and Military interventions, now, for the first time in history they should pay Karma a little bit of respect and start acting like a real good neighbor as President Franklin Roosevelt proposed back in 1933. Again, is not a matter of a shared territory that makes Dominican Republic responsible for Haiti’s disaster, this is a humanitarian problem where the entire human race should join forces and help. Haiti fought through the years to become a free country just as every other country did, and not just because of a natural disaster that happened in January 2010 everything has to change. Haiti is bigger than any disaster; every country is bigger than any possible disaster as long as one citizen survives.

I would like to end this by simply saying that if the whole world is concerned about our beloved Haiti; as one World we all should help them to get back on track. Dominican Republic is not the answer to this problem.



Unknown ha dicho que…
Loved it... that's why you'll own the country in the near future :)
Andres Velez ha dicho que…
First of all the French forced Haiti to buy its independence from them by sneding them yearly quotas of wood, coffee, etc.. The French drained Haitians from their resources. Now they want to pretend to be Mother Teresa. Come on! The USA, Canada, French, Germans are nothing more than dreamers if they think this will be alloowed by us.
Thnak you Dan,
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Oi interessante este site está muito trabalho :)
Muito Bonito faz mais posts deste modo !!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Much edifying article, I ought to speak. This post is fully encouraging in its own ways and I am sure that it will even succeed in inspiring many people like me.And yes i have bookmarked your site .
Andres Velez ha dicho que…
Mi querido amigo a ver si escribes un articulo nuevo ya que he leido este muchas veces.... jeje... Abrazos!
DC ha dicho que…

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